General Information
The following are sites that I have found to be useful in my cloth diaper education.
Green Mountain Diapers is an incredibly informative website. The owner has experience with each of the different styles she sells and shares her knowledge. The site is also a good source of pictures of the diapers on different size babies.
Eco Friendly Family Cloth Diaper FAQ - Includes comprehensive video and photo tutorials on folding PFs.
Cloth Diapering 101 by Simple Mom
Laundry Detergents safe for Cloth Diapers
Diaper Pin post reviews on everything diaper related from the diapers themselves to the stores that sell them.
The Bump Cloth Diaper community has the friendliest group of online moms you'll find.
Pinstripes and Polka Dots - cloth diapering basics
Favorite Stores
New diapers:
Green Mountain Diapers
Vermont Country Baby
Jillian's Drawers
Kelly's Closet
Etsy - favorite sellers include Starbaby Designs, Mamamade, Wild Child Woolies
Hyena Cart - favorite sellers include Bububebe, Bagshot Row Bamboo,
Used diapers:
Spot's Corner
Diaper Swapper
The Awesome Cloth Diaper Blog - check out the impressive diaper review spreadsheet
The Baby Ate My Brain
The Bee Hive: Adventures in Cloth Diapering